Stained glass triquetra

Closeup of the Manor Christmas tree

The hostess of the Manor awaits her guests

'Sable Claws'

L: Sir Carl R: Ladies Bonnie and Maureen

L: Lord Michael Edelson R: Lord Brian

Three men in Moresca doublets: (L) Sir Carl and Lord Robert (R) Lord Blair

Portraits by the Christmas tree: above, Ladies Veronica, Jillian, and Elizabeth;
below left, Lord Christopher and Lady Elizabeth; below right, Sir Christian and Lady Maureen


L: Lady Justine and Lord Janusz R: Lady Stacy and Lord Scott

L to R: Lord Scott, Lord John Cuddeback, Lady Justine

L: Merry conversation R: Lady Stacy and Lord Scott; Below: Lords Christopher and Robert

L: Lord Robert R: Lord and Lady Zordan

The hall readied for the feast

Kitchen staff

L: Lady Sarah R: Lord Janusz

Feasting and revelry

The Book of Selohaar opened to the Oath of Membership

Lady Jillian shares photographs of her Renaissance-themed wedding

Lady Sarah and Lord Michael Ahrens by the tree

The flag of Selohaar after an evening's snowfall


Updated December 10, 2008