The Sword of Power, the Crown of Carcosa, and the Chalice of the Grail are the three central elements of the Regalia of the Order. Their purpose and significance is outlined below. Other correspondences, both magickal and philosophical, may be found elsewhere in this book. The Regalia in Union

Aredayne, the Sword of Power

The Sword of Power is wielded by the Grand Master of the Order. It is a ceremonial weapon, used for many different rites including those used to make new Knights of the Realm. It is also a battle-ready weapon, symbolizing the Order’s willingness to fight when the cause is just. Aredayne is a consecrated, ‘living weapon’ and is the third in a series of swords bearing the same name. Should it need to be replaced someday, its magickal force must be transferred to a new sword by employing a special version of the sword consecration ceremony used by the Order. The name ‘Aredayne’ means ‘the magick which resides within steel’ in Salmacian.

The Crown of Carcosa

The Crown symbolizes the Realm of Carcosa; that is, all of the Order’s membership, sacred landmarks, and interests. It is worn by the Grand Master at formal meetings of the Order and at meetings of the Council. It is also worn at functions outside the Order’s gatherings where the Grand Master, or one who is representing him, must appear on behalf of the Order in an official capacity.

The Chalice of the Grail

The Grail Chalice represents the strength of our fellowship and its collective vision. The secret of this strength was for a time lost, until Sir Keith of Salmacis returned it after a long quest. This silver chalice was presented by Sir Keith to represent the Grail in physical form. All members of the Order may partake of it during a meeting, newly dubbed knights are proffered it, and all are required to speak with a true heart when holding it.
