Shields of the attending knights - Sirs Christian, Carl, and John

The Grand Master's white pavilion and accoutrements

The Founders of the Order: Sirs Carl and Christian

Good Squire Robert

Lords Christopher, Michael, and Janusz review the fighting roster

Above: Lady Sarah and Lord Karl the Younger  Below: Sir Christian in his pavilion

Lord and Lady Torres

Left: Our photographer Lady Justine  Right: Lord Karl the Younger

Lord Michael Depaola

Left: Lady Maureen with Sable the Manor Cat  Right: Lady Stacy, Chatelaine of the Order

Ladies Maureen and Stacy share wine

Lord Janusz helps Squire Christopher arm

Lady Stacy

A panoramic view of the field before the tournament

Lord Brian (left) and being armed by Squire Robert (right)

Left: Lord Brian arrayed for the tournament  Right: Lord Michael Depaola, armed for his first tournament

Lady Veronica, conferring with Lady Catriona (left) and awaiting the blessing of the field (right)

Left: Sir Carl  Right: Sir Christian

Ladies Veronica and Elizabeth review the tournament schedule

Pre-tournament pep talk

The Blessing of the Fighters


Updated July 28, 2009